Theoretical number of people who will
die of Ebola if the deaths from Ebola
continue to double each month
December 2013 1
January 2014 2
February 2014 4
March 2014 8
April 2014 16
May 2014 32
June 2014 64
July 2014 128
August 2014 256
September 2014 512
October 2014 1024 Die IST-Zahl beträgt bereits über 4.000 Tote und 10.000 Infizierte
November 2014 2048
December 2014 4096
January 2015 8192
February 2015 16384
March 2015 32768
April 2015 65536
May 2015 131072
June 2015 262144
July 2015 524288
August 2015 1048576
September 2015 2097152
October 2015 4194304
November 2015 8388608
December 2015 16777216
January 2016 33554432
February 2016 67108864
March 2016 134217728
April 2016 268435456
May 2016 536870912
June 2016 1073741824
July 2016 2147483648
August 2016 4294967296
At 4 billion, two hundred and ninety four million, nine hundred and sixty seven thousand, two hundred and ninety six, that figure represents more than half the world population, so infection and death rates should fall dramatically as there will not be enough people around to keep up the infection rates. In fact by May to June 2016, death rates will already be falling as the cumulative death rate for half the world's population will have been surpassed, that is more than three and a half billion people.
As the rate is already at 2900 dead by September 20, 2014, these columns indicate that Ebola is doubling at a shorter period than one month or that the first death from this outbreak occurred earlier than December 2013.
die of Ebola if the deaths from Ebola
continue to double each month
December 2013 1
January 2014 2
February 2014 4
March 2014 8
April 2014 16
May 2014 32
June 2014 64
July 2014 128
August 2014 256
September 2014 512
October 2014 1024 Die IST-Zahl beträgt bereits über 4.000 Tote und 10.000 Infizierte
November 2014 2048
December 2014 4096
January 2015 8192
February 2015 16384
March 2015 32768
April 2015 65536
May 2015 131072
June 2015 262144
July 2015 524288
August 2015 1048576
September 2015 2097152
October 2015 4194304
November 2015 8388608
December 2015 16777216
January 2016 33554432
February 2016 67108864
March 2016 134217728
April 2016 268435456
May 2016 536870912
June 2016 1073741824
July 2016 2147483648
August 2016 4294967296
At 4 billion, two hundred and ninety four million, nine hundred and sixty seven thousand, two hundred and ninety six, that figure represents more than half the world population, so infection and death rates should fall dramatically as there will not be enough people around to keep up the infection rates. In fact by May to June 2016, death rates will already be falling as the cumulative death rate for half the world's population will have been surpassed, that is more than three and a half billion people.
As the rate is already at 2900 dead by September 20, 2014, these columns indicate that Ebola is doubling at a shorter period than one month or that the first death from this outbreak occurred earlier than December 2013.