Dieses Frühjahr ist der Ersatzbaum samt Wurzel entfernt worden, nachdem er jämmerlich eingegangen ist.
Words full of Pride saying, Hewn Stones for Bricks and Cedars for Sycomores: America as Israel of old has not heeded God's warnings, and as we will see there are amazing parallels between the events of 9/11 and Isaiah 9:9-10. When Assyria first attacked Israel she cut down many of the the sycamore trees. Samaria representing the 10 tribes of Israel pridefully said, "The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars." (Isaiah 9:10) Now note the following parallels between ancient Israel and New York City on 9/11 as they relate to Isaiah 9:9-10: 1. A sycomore was cut down:
A falling steel beam from the North Tower of the World Trade Center struck down
a sycamore tree at the northwest corner of the graveyard knocking
it over and protecting Saint Paul's Chapel where George Washington had prayed on
the day of the founding of America on April 30, 1789!
On September 14th Saint Paul’s was finally inspected for damage. Unlike the
buildings on the same street, Church Street to the Northwest, across from the
Twin Towers Saint Paul’s sustained no damage. The workers expected to find a
pile of rubble, but not a bit of the walls or the roof had been damaged. There
was only a cracked window, but the building’s structure was as sound as it had
ever been.
Today all that remains of the fallen sycamore tree is it's
stump which is displayed at the northeast corner of the graveyard behind Saint
Paul's Chapel. (The sycamore's roots are just to the left of the man in the
photo [above/left] near the edge of the picture.)
A bronze icon (idol) of the sycamore's root system was sculpted by Steve Tobin
in 2005. It is displayed in the front plaza of near by Trinity Church.
2. The sycamore was changed:
On November 22, 2003 a 21 foot tall Norway Spruce, dubbed "the Tree of
Hope," was lifted into the same place that the sycamore
had stood at the northwest corner of the Saint Paul's property.
The Norway Spruce (of the Genus & Species: Picea abies) is the same kind
of tree, a pine, as the "cedar" (Cedrus libani) spoken of in
Isaiah 9:10. They are both in the same biological Kingdom (Plantae), Division
(Pinophyta), Class (Pinopsida), Order (Pinales) and Family (Pinaceae).
During it's dedication ceremony as it was being lowered to the place where
the sycamore once stood, a clergyman said: "We are gathered here today on
holy ground. Ground hallowed by its witness to the dust, and death and
destruction of September 11th. The ground is sanctified by our presence
here as we dedicate this Tree of Hope in witness the divine within each of
us." That phrase, "the divine within each of us" is not Christian, but is
occult New Age language, and no ground is sanctified or made holy
by the presence of men.
Furthermore, there is NO "divine within each of us," but only in those
who are "born again" believers in the Lord Jesus Christ (John
3:5-16; 1 Pet 1:18-23; James 1:18, 21; Titus 3:5), and the witness to it is not
a tree, but is God Himself! That is the only way people may become
"partakers of the divine nature" (2 Peter 1:4).
This pine
tree was decorated and used as a pagan christmas tree. The Word of God tells us
that we should not learn the way of pagans such as in setting up idolatrous
"Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen. ... For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (Jeremiah 10:2-4) 3. In pride and stoutness of heart National, State and local leaders said, we will build:
We have already seen what Tom Daschle and John Edwards said, even using the very words that God used to curse Israel (Isaiah 9:10), but not understanding that they pronounced a curse on America, because the Country is sinful before the Lord. However, Senator John Kerry, the Governor of New York, and Mayor of New York City spoke "in pride and stoutness of heart" likewise:
In a
speech on the Senate Floor of the United States on September 12, 2001, Skull and
Bones member, Senator John Kerry said:
"I believe one of the first things we should commit to - with federal help
that underscores our nation's purpose - is to rebuild the towers of the
World Trade Center and show the world we are not afraid - we are
defiant." (John Kerry Speech on 09/12/2001)
New York City Mayor, Rudolph Giuliani said on the day of the crisis:
"We will rebuild: We're going to come out of this stronger than
before, politically stronger, economically stronger. The skyline will be made
whole again." (Quoted in the article by Tess Taylor entitled: Should the Twin Towers be Rebuilt).
New York State Governor, George E. Pataki said the following on 4th of
July 2004:
"Today we build the Freedom Tower. ... Let this great Freedom Tower
show the world that what our enemies sought to destroy, our democracy, our
freedom, our way of life -- stands taller than ever." (Governor Pataki's
complete speech, Laying of the Cornerstone for Freedom Tower, is available here
in pdf format.)
The first openly sodomite state governor in United States history, New Jersey
Governor James E. McGreevey, usurped God Almighty's words
concerning the building of His second Temple at the return of the Jews from the
70 year Babylonian captivity. Governor McGreevey said this on the July 4, 2004
at the dedication of the Freedom Tower:
"The glory of this latter house shall exceed the former."
(Book of Haggai 2:9. See New York Times story, Rebirth Marked by Cornerstone at Ground Zero by David W.
Dunlap, July 5, 2004).
4. The bricks are fallen down:
The fallen bricks and most everything else that once stood at Ground Zero was
reduced to dust and ashes, and piles of twisted and molten metal.
Richard Pyle in his January 4, 2002 Associated Press article makes it sound
better than it actually was. Pyle wrote this concerning the World Trade Center
"For three months, the 16-acre site had the look of post-World War II Berlin
with its buildings skeletonized and reduced to piles of bricks by Allied
bombing raids." (Source: The Attack and Aftermath article: Changes continue at World Trade Center site as visitors get more
of a glimpse into wreckage)
5. They say, we will build with hewn stones:
The symbol of Israel's rebuilding was the quarried stone. The first stone used
in the construction of the Freedom Tower was the hewn stone from New York
granite which was lowered by crane in a ceremony on July 4, 2004. Governor
George Pataki said this at the ceremony:
"Today is indeed, a momentous day. Today we take 20 tons of Adirondack
granite -- the bedrock of our state -- and place it as the foundation, the
bedrock of a new symbol of American strength and confidence. Today, we lay the
cornerstone for a new symbol of this city and this country and of our resolve in
the face of terror. Today we build the Freedom Tower." (New York Lays Cornerstone For Freedom Tower, CNN).
Here we have seen 5 clear cut parallels from Isaiah 9:9-10 between the only
two nations in history that were founded upon the truth of the one true God and
His holy Word. Namely Israel and the United States. The have been fulfilled upon
Israel to the letter, and are likewise being fulfilled upon America in our day.
God gave warning before hand of more severe judgment if left unheeded.
Again the 5 prophetic signs seen both in ancient Israel and modern America
were: 1) Sycomores were cut down by the enemy; 2) Bricks had been
knocked down by the enemy; 3) In pride and defiance leaders said, we will
rebuild; 4) The sycamores were replaced with pine trees; 5) They
laid hewn stones in the place the fallen brick. The bottom line: Israel
went into captivity; and now America has been warned!
Words full of Pride saying, Hewn Stones for Bricks and Cedars for Sycomores: America as Israel of old has not heeded God's warnings, and as we will see there are amazing parallels between the events of 9/11 and Isaiah 9:9-10. When Assyria first attacked Israel she cut down many of the the sycamore trees. Samaria representing the 10 tribes of Israel pridefully said, "The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycomores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars." (Isaiah 9:10) Now note the following parallels between ancient Israel and New York City on 9/11 as they relate to Isaiah 9:9-10: 1. A sycomore was cut down:
"Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen. ... For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (Jeremiah 10:2-4) 3. In pride and stoutness of heart National, State and local leaders said, we will build:
We have already seen what Tom Daschle and John Edwards said, even using the very words that God used to curse Israel (Isaiah 9:10), but not understanding that they pronounced a curse on America, because the Country is sinful before the Lord. However, Senator John Kerry, the Governor of New York, and Mayor of New York City spoke "in pride and stoutness of heart" likewise:
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